Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
2013hjps | [no description available] |
321clubhouse-l | queer artist collective |
6thst | [no description available] |
8avril | Pour les arrêtéEs du 8 avril 2005. |
A-ott-announce | [no description available] |
A-stammtisch | [no description available] |
A.r.a._vancouver | [no description available] |
Aawruor | [no description available] |
Abc-leipzig | [no description available] |
Acf-van | this is the info list for the Anticapitalist Community Forum - Vancouver |
Activist_udmurt | [Activist_Udmurt] |
Afroayiti | La liberation du Peuple Noir par l'education. |
Ages | Association Générale des Étudiants et Étudiantes du Cégep de Saint-Jérôme |
Ai5digital-bh | [no description available] |
AicapAifap | Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American Prisons |
Ajam | [no description available] |
Akfhain | [no description available] |
Aktivistentreffen-fl | [no description available] |
Alerts | News and Alerts from No Compromise |
Alien_nation | Osare l'Impossibile contro gli aguzzini del possibile |
ALP | Animal Law Practitioner |
Alskdjfsa9ie | [no description available] |
Americaresist | [no description available] |
Americaresist-l | [no description available] |
Amirsupport | [no description available] |
Amnesty-richmond | [no description available] |
AnarchafeministSnetwork | [no description available] |
Anarchist_meeting | [no description available] |
Anarchistparenting | a discussion list for anarchist parents. |
ANewHope | The Jack Pine |
Animal_lib_bi | [no description available] | | [no description available] |
Antecrise | [no description available] |
Anticapitaliststudents | [no description available] |
AntiPattiProject | Against Patriarchy Project |
Antirafestivalathens | [no description available] |
antiwar-van | Anti-War & Anti-Racism Organizing List for Vancouver |
Anuragtrust | [no description available] |
Anvilhillaction-l | [no description available] |
AOA | Agents of Awareness |
AOANYC | New York Agents of Awareness |
AOAontario | Ontario Agents of Awareness |
AOAvan | Vancouver Agents of Awareness |
Aoz | Noticias de la Buenos Aires IndÃgena |
Apaqrosemontpetitepatrie | [no description available] |
APAR | Aliança Popular Anarquista do Recife / Popular Anarchist Alliance of Recife |
APC-Announce | apc announcement list |
APC-ctte | this is the member list |
Apoc-allies | [no description available] |
apostrophe | apostrophe ' productions : a radical art + social process affinity group based in san francisco |
Archivoabuelasrosario | [no description available] |
Arcisoresina-l | [no description available] |
Arrestationvelo | [no description available] |
ARSF-Events | [no description available] |
Artxbrutality | [no description available] |
asambleaestudiantes | [no description available] |
Assembleiacampinas_org | [no description available] |
Atlanticalegalsupport | [no description available] |
ATS-L | Autonomist/Anti-Imperialist News Service |
Autonomia-sd | [no description available] |
Autonomy | [no description available] |
Backup_offthemap | [no description available] |
Barrikadazapatista | [no description available] |
Barter514 | Exchange of goods and services for goods and services |
Bc-social-forum | Vancouver Community Social Forum announcement list |
Bcnf | [no description available] |
Bdsresearch | research for Boycott Divestment Sanctions of Apartheid israel |
Bhpbilliton | [no description available] |
Biblio | [no description available] |
bicyclebee | Bicycle Bee discussion |
Bikecult | discussion on building bicycle cults |
Bikepowerproject | [no description available] |
Bikesdelpueblo | [no description available] |
Birca | birca |
Blacklabbottomliners | [no description available] |
Blacklabcollective | [no description available] |
Blacklabvolunteers | [no description available] |
BlackLivesMatter_Durham | [no description available] |
Blackpato_newsletter | BlackPato_newsletter |
Blem-nouvelles | Liste externe de Bloquez l'empire Montréal |
Blockg20duesseldorf | [no description available] |
Blvolunteers | [no description available] |
Boletin-indymedia-laplata | [no description available] |
Boletin-indymedia-pueblos | BoletÃn de Indymedia Pueblos Originarios (Argentina) |
Boletin-indymedia-rosario | Boletn de Indymedia Rosario (Argentina) |
Books2prisonersottawa | [no description available] |
Borderland | [no description available] |
Boundtobefree | [no description available] |
BradleyManningVancouver | List for Vancouver supports of Bradley Manning |
Breakthrough-mamas | Radical multi-generational organizing led by low-income single mothers of colour |
Briefs | [no description available] |
Brouhaha | [no description available] |
Bulletin.CSALQ | [no description available] |
Burningvisuals247 | [no description available] |
Busriders-van | Organizing/discussion list for the Vancouver Busriders Union |
C5 | [no description available] |
Cactusazul | Activismo cultural en el Ecuador |
CAERN-l | Chicago Anarchist Emergency Response Network |
Cakenphile | [no description available] |
Calgaryfreeschool | [no description available] |
Careforsailor | [no description available] |
Caregiversactioncentre | [no description available] |
Carlosaraujo | [no description available] |
Carnaval-org | [no description available] |
Casa_naranja_interno | acciones |
Ccrpp | [no description available] |
Ccsk | [no description available] |
cdp-info | Cuisine du peuple - events & volunteer call-outs. |
Cedhu | [no description available] |
Cfc | [no description available] |
Cflf | [no description available] |
Cha | [no description available] |
Chaoticshark | For all your communication needs with Chaoticshark! |
CHorganizado | fighting gentrification in CIty Heights |
Cirkoakrata | [no description available] |
CKR | Lista de Coordinación de Ciencias Criminalisticas |
clandestinas | [no description available] |
Clevelandimc | Cleveland Indypendent Media Center |
coffeeshop | people's coffee shop/ free coffee shop/ no coffee shop |
Collectif_minuit | [no description available] |
Colsur-l | [no description available] |
Comite-activites | [no description available] |
Comite-agitprop | [no description available] |
Comite-oui | [no description available] |
Comite-suivi | [no description available] |
Comunicadores | Discussao interna do Coletivo de Comunicadores Populares de Campinas-SP |
Contraiirsa | Lista de discussión sobre el proyecto IIRSA en latinoamérica |
Counter_recruitment | [no description available] |
crash_list | crazy radicals against social holocaust |
criticalmassmtl-l | listserve for organizing and announcing critical mass bike rides and related events in montreal |
CulturalMedicineCabinet | Cultural Medicine Cabinet singers. |
CulturalMedicineCabinet-announce | Major announcements from the Cultural Medicine Cabinet |
Cursolivreanarquismo | [no description available] |
Cvce | Culura Viva Comuitaria Ecuador |
Dabikecollectiveottawa | BikeCollective |
Dciww | [no description available] |
Deathchurch-jamspace | [no description available] |
Decolonize | Decolonize LISTSERV |
Demands-traduction | [no description available] |
Democraticanarchism | [no description available] |
Derrickjensen_discussion | [no description available] |
Dffffff | [no description available] |
Diapason | DisSonanze |
Digiselfdefcb | [no description available] |
DIYDharma | Do It Yourself Dharma (Buddhist meditation for troublemakers) |
Dnfd_announce | [no description available] |
Eatsomenews | [no description available] |
Ecolution | A networking tool for people wishing to address the challenges facing our ecological evolution. |
Ecp | [no description available] |
education.risingtide | S-M-R-T |
Esbozocolectivo | [no description available] |
esbozoredlibertarialatinoamericana | [no description available] |
Espress | [no description available] |
EstudiantesRevolucionarios | [no description available] |
Estudiantil-derecho-sociologia-upc | [no description available] |
Eugenefnb | [no description available] |
Exileinfoshop | [no description available] |
Fartface666 | [no description available] |
FC | the feminist conspiracy |
Fdfd | [no description available] |
Fedupqueers | [no description available] |
feedthefrontlines | [no description available] |
Fightcpg | [no description available] |
flyingfolk-l | announcement list for friends of the flying folk army |
Fnb-evanston | [no description available] |
Foodnotbombs_halifax | Food Not Bombs Halifax |
Frapru | Liste de discussion interne des membres du FRAPRU. |
Freddysvc | [no description available] |
Frederictonfoodnotbombs | [no description available] |
Freedomschool-l | This list is for people working on organizing a Freedom School in Toronto. |
Freedonia-news | News from Freedonia |
FreeGeek-Van | Please see |
Frentegremial4deabril | Boletín del Frente Gremial 4 de Abril |
Frentepatrioticomanuelrodriguez | [no description available] |
Frigomembers | Information for Members of Le Frigo Vert |
frontline-news | direct action news from the ELF, ALF and others |
Fusampiaac | [no description available] |
Gestegauche | [no description available] |
Gjd-l | [no description available] |
Gradicals | [no description available] |
Grandjurymedia | [no description available] |
Greve-sociale-annonces | [no description available] |
Greve-sociale-bloquages-annonces | [no description available] |
Greve-ul | Greve UL |
Gsaconcordia | GSA Council Communications List |
guelphfreeschool | guelph free school listserve |
guerrero-l | [no description available] |
Gulfcoastalliance | [no description available] |
Haitiresistonline | [no description available] |
Haitisolidaritybc | [no description available] |
HamiltonFreeSkool | News and events for Hamilton's FreeSkool |
HCAP | Hamilton Coalition Against Poverty |
Highcountryearthfirst_announce | [no description available] |
Highcountryearthfirst_discussion | [no description available] |
Housing | [no description available] |
Housing_occupancy | [no description available] |
HumanistHall | HumaneCalendars |
Humanpowered | [no description available] |
Iap | [no description available] |
Ibooks | [no description available] |
Idea-cc | [no description available] |
Idea-ntic | [no description available] |
Ideology-defence | [no description available] |
Idex.inalco | [no description available] |
Iea-publica | [no description available] |
Ilgaasia | [no description available] |
Incarcerationcoalition | WI prisons umbrella group |
Indgenoussolidaritynetwork | [no description available] |
India | India Activists Collective |
Indigenousaction-l | [no description available] |
Indigenouspeaceed | [no description available] |
Indigsol | Indigenous Solidarity Ottawa |
Info | [no description available] |
Infoshopnetwork | InfoShop Network List |
institutoanarquista | pensamiento critico... accion radical |
Intergalactica | Comisión Intergaláctica de Uruguay |
Ipsm-collective | IPSM Collective |
IPSM-l | Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement - Montreal |
ismmontreal-l | [no description available] |
Iswg3906 | [no description available] |
Iswg3906.organizers | [no description available] |
Iwwsandiego | [no description available] |
IWWTBay | Organizing list for Lakehead Wobs. |
Iyf-ct | [no description available] |
Januaryfirst | Trade agreements suck! Let's organize for a better, capitalist-free world :- |
Jardins-l | [no description available] |
Jmp_youthaction | For discussion about goals, actions, and visions of the youth advisory |
JoeBroadhurst | INTL News - Joe Broadhurst's Email List |
Juicioagoni-l | [no description available] |
Junkmale-internal | JunkMale internal communication |
Justice-Sante | [no description available] |
JusticePourAnas-c | [no description available] |
JusticePourAnas-l | [no description available] |
Kasanarkistas | [no description available] |
Know-nuclear-waste | [no description available] |
Kulturschlachtoea | [no description available] |
Laflecha-boletin | [no description available] |
Lakotastudentalliance | [no description available] |
LaMala | La Mala Educación |
LAN | [no description available] |
Lanarkcountyneighbours | LC Neighbours for Truth & Reconciliation |
Laotra2edomex | [no description available] |
Lasurda | A list for spanish speaking activists in Vancouver |
Le-local | [no description available] |
Leedsef | [no description available] |
Leftcoast-Events | [no description available] |
Lesmardisdelanarchie | [no description available] |
Lfd | LFD organizing list |
Listarealmenteinterna | [no description available] |
Livable.housing | Vancouver Co-operative Housing |
Lopopopopo | [no description available] |
Lsf | [no description available] |
Lsu-bike-collective | Langara Bike Collective |
luchaspopulares | [no description available] |
Mailman | [no description available] |
marcha-sp | [no description available] |
Mariategui | Lista de distribución de Mariátegui. La revista de las ideas. |
Marks21 | [no description available] |
Masc | [no description available] |
Mayworks-org | Mayworks festival organizers list |
Mayworksmontreal | [no description available] |
Mdp-buenosaires | Noticias de Punta Querandà (Tigre, Buenos Aires) |
Mediacoop-all-news | [no description available] |
meDIAisLAND | Power to the Public |
Mela-ac | [no description available] |
Mela-org | [no description available] |
Memorialmarch | [no description available] |
Metropolitantowers | [no description available] |
Micro-am-1500 | [no description available] |
migrantesjodidas-l | [no description available] |
Migrantjusticedocumentary | [no description available] |
Militantresearch_aotearoa | [no description available] |
Minnezapa | [no description available] |
Mmm-boletim | [no description available] |
Mob-afesh | [no description available] |
Mob-afesh-annonces | [no description available] |
mobglob-discuss | MobGlob discussion list |
Mtlmediacoop | MTL Media Coop discussion list/liste de discussion coop média MTL |
Mujeresenigualdad | [no description available] |
Mumialivreja | [no description available] |
Name | [no description available] |
Nativeprisonerstestimonies | [no description available] |
Nava | [no description available] |
Nc-volunteer | [no description available] |
Nefac-exile | Backup NEFAC list |
Negajoule | [no description available] |
New-nc-volunteer | [no description available] |
Newnoise | [no description available] |
news | newswire |
NICnet | private list for NICnet (MoCIT) sysops |
Nodapl-wplc | [no description available] |
Noii-l | No One Is Illegal - Vancouver announce list |
Noii-mailing | No One is Illegal-Vancouver internal organizing list. |
Noii_brampton | [no description available] |
Noiinational | [no description available] |
Noiiwinnipeg | No One Is Illegal - Winnipeg |
Nomads | Fellow Rastas |
Nomoretears | [no description available] |
nooneisillegal-l | No One Is Illegal/Personne n'est illegal MONTREAL |
northfacingsouth | [no description available] |
Nouvellesdestef | Nouvelles de Stef |
Nsnlist | [no description available] |
Ntac | [no description available] |
Nuit-de-creation | [no description available] |
Nym | [no description available] |
ObservatorioPetroleroSur | Observatorio Petrolero Sur |
Occupons_rimouski | Information a propos du mouvement occupons rimouski | | Information and events relating to Occupy Ottawa |
Occupy_antisuppression | [no description available] |
Occupybirminghamcomms | [no description available] |
Occupyregina | [no description available] |
Okanagan-Shuswap-Confederacy | Okanagan-Shuswap-Confederacy |
omcmontreal-l | OMC Montreal |
Omd | [no description available] |
Ong_rslivre | [no description available] |
Onthebarricades | global resistance roundup |
Openthebooks | [no description available] |
Orchis | [no description available] |
Order_of_the_phoenix | [no description available] |
Org4j-announce | Organizing For Justice announce list |
Organisation | [no description available] |
Orn-communications | [no description available] |
ORN-legal | Legal working group for the Olympic Resistance Network |
Orn-outreach | [no description available] |
Ornmedia | Media distribution list for the Olympic Resistance Network |
Ottawaearthfirst-l | [no description available] |
Padnet | Post and Discuss Network (News and Discussion) |
Paine | [no description available] |
Palestineinschools | Palestine in Schools Project |
Palestineyvr | [no description available] |
Papanegratv | [no description available] |
Passos_salazar | [no description available] |
Pcmn | [no description available] |
Pdx-audio | [no description available] |
Peoples_photocopier | People's Photocopier |
Peoplescommission | [no description available] |
Peoplescommission-1 | [no description available] |
Peoplespotato | [no description available] |
Pfa | [no description available] |
Planmort | [no description available] |
Plenariocoprograf | [no description available] |
Portlandabc | [no description available] |
Posterproject | [no description available] |
Prensaceppas | [no description available] |
Prf_brezmeja | [no description available] |
Project-news | ---JOEY-ONLY=OUTLAW-BAND--- |
Project-x | RTL, project-x: it's ALL THE SAME |
Promtastic | People's Prom organizing collective |
ProtestBarrick | [no description available] |
Psychrightsbc | [no description available] |
Psychrightsbc-announce | [no description available] |
QPHC | Queer People's Health Collective |
Radiocumpa | [no description available] |
RAMA | [no description available] |
Raum | [no description available] |
Rcdefensecouncil | [no description available] |
Realhiphopforever | [no description available] |
Reclamecolombia | Red Colombiana frente la Gran minerÃa Transnacional |
Recomposingunc | [no description available] |
Redeluta | [no description available] |
Redsepa-cc | [no description available] |
Reellife | An activist take on art that relates to life on our planet |
Regio | [no description available] |
Rei | [no description available] |
Reo | [no description available] |
Reperran | [no description available] |
Reportssarajevo | [no description available] |
reseau-annonces | Le Réseau Anti-Capitaliste de Montréal |
Reseau_vigilance | Réseau de Vigilance contre la r#ing#n#rie de létat - Québec |
Resist-intl | [no description available] |
Resist-translations | For those interested in providing translations |
Resist-web-developers | For those interested in providing others with help developing web pages. |
Resistance | [no description available] |
Rest | [no description available] |
RevolutionInMyPants | There's a (r)evolution in my pants, and everybody's coming! |
Rie-nucleo | [no description available] |
Sanctuarycity_hamilton | For the Sanctuary City Organizers |
SANSAD | South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy |
Saskatoonanarchistbookfair | [no description available] |
Schola | [no description available] |
Schola-diffusion | [no description available] |
Schola-organisation | [no description available] |
Schola-scolaire | [no description available] |
Scwdn-list | [no description available] |
Sdgmermtl | [no description available] |
security-news | a security bulletin for autonomous resistance movements |
Seedsofchange | Seeds of Change Community Centre List |
sethreports | Independent Reporting |
Sfchalkboard | Use instead! |
Sfpq218 | [no description available] |
ShadowGroup-l | [no description available] |
Shakeup | [no description available] |
Sinpermiso.trabajando | [no description available] |
SJC-UBC | Announcement list for UBC's Social Justice Centre. |
Skwelkwekwelt | [no description available] |
Skwelkwekwelt-news | Skwelkwekwelt Resistance |
Slihc | save low income housing coalition announce list |
Slihc-org | save low income housing organizing list |
Solidarite_APPO | Comité (de Québec) en solidarité avec l'Assemblée populaire des peuples de Oaxaca (Mexique) |
Solidarity | [no description available] |
Solidarotyassembly | [no description available] |
Soutienkader | Statut pour Abdelkader Belaouni / Status for Abdelkader Belaouni |
Spartacus-supporters | For folks interested about what's happening at Spartacus Books |
Spocmail | Self-Propelled Outdoor Club |
Srglw-l | Agitate and Litigate! |
Srlcwelcomingcommittee | [no description available] |
Stanfordstandsup | Stanford Stands Up! |
Staydangerous | [no description available] |
StFXSolidarity | [no description available] |
STG-secwepemeculecw | information from the Secwepemeculecw Traditional Government |
Stirling-palestinedirectaction | Palestinian solidarity group |
Stopthesweeps | [no description available] |
Stopwar-delegates | StopWar Supporters |
Stopwar-internal | internal organizing list |
Stopwar-l | StopWar |
Studentstrike | Concordia's goin' on strike! |
Submedia-l | [no description available] |
Subort | [no description available] |
Subvertistas | Subvertical Action Netwerk |
Sudburywomensactionnetwork | [no description available] |
Sudestada | [no description available] |
Sudg20solid | For G20 solidarity events in sudbury |
Supportformandh | [no description available] |
Survivingcanada | [no description available] |
Swatmail | Stop Wickham Animal Testing |
TDP | Ticket Defence Program |
team-satan | Team Satan |
Test-list-443 | [no description available] |
Theblacklab | [no description available] |
Thelonious | Organic Jazz Hip Hop from the UK |
Thinkpeace | A Collaborative Journal of Free Thinking... |
Ticst | [no description available] |
tintaverde | Red Nacional de Acción Ecologista |
Titaniumphoenix | [no description available] |
Tlcalca-nunca | ¡Campaign vs. FTAA/bFTA's! | | 2010 Toronto Community Mobilization for G8/20 |
Torch | teens organizing for reproductive choice |
Total-liberation | [no description available] |
Tradejustice | Discussion, news and announce list for trade justice activists. |
Transpride | [no description available] |
Trinityspadina.stopthecuts | [no description available] |
Tsci-events | [no description available] |
tvuna | raw wisdom now |
UAPV | United Against Police Violence e-mail list |
uberculture | reclaim your culture |
Ukarg | [no description available] |
Unb-stu-justice-l | Unb Stu Social Justice Society |
Union77 | [no description available] |
UniTierraCalifas | a space for the convivial research and insurgent learning of UT Califas |
Updates | [no description available] |
Usurpa | Info Usurpa weekly squat bulletin, Barcelona |
utv | volcano crew |
van-announce | announcements of upcoming events in vancouver and the surrounding area. news items should be sent to or posted to the web at |
Van-PEG | Vancouver's Participatory Economics Collective |
Van-PEG-Org | Org. list for Van Parecon Collective |
Vanact.external | [no description available] |
Vanact.internal | [no description available] |
Vanarchy | [no description available] |
VancouverADL | VEGAN POWER |
Vancouverpeacecouncil | Vancouver chapter of the World Peace Council |
Vanfoodnotbombs | [no description available] |
Verapax-l | [no description available] |
Verteiler | [no description available] |
vicfnb | [no description available] |
VIVA | [no description available] |
Vlac | [no description available] |
Wamvan | Women, Action & The Media (WAM!) Vancouver |
Warrior | [no description available] |
wd-sp | lista fechada |
Wearethe99percent | [no description available] |
Weitaa | [no description available] |
Wildearth-l | Wild Earth 2009 |
Woc-fms-racialisees-p15 | [no description available] |
Worklessparty | Announce List for BC's Work Less / Work Ethics provincial party discussion group |
Worldnakedride | [no description available] |
wto-montreal-announce | wto-montreal-announce |
Xanadu | [no description available] |
Xanthempadi | [no description available] |
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