mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
2013hjps | [no description available] |
321clubhouse-l | queer artist collective |
6thst | [no description available] |
8avril | Pour les arrêtéEs du 8 avril 2005. |
A-ott-announce | [no description available] |
A-stammtisch | [no description available] |
A.r.a._vancouver | [no description available] |
Aawruor | [no description available] |
Abc-leipzig | [no description available] |
Acf-van | this is the info list for the Anticapitalist Community Forum - Vancouver |
Activist_udmurt | [Activist_Udmurt] |
Afroayiti | La liberation du Peuple Noir par l'education. |
Ages | Association Générale des Étudiants et Étudiantes du Cégep de Saint-Jérôme |
Ai5digital-bh | [no description available] |
AicapAifap | Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American Prisons |
Ajam | [no description available] |
Akfhain | [no description available] |
Aktivistentreffen-fl | [no description available] |
Alerts | News and Alerts from No Compromise |
Alien_nation | Osare l'Impossibile contro gli aguzzini del possibile |
ALP | Animal Law Practitioner |
Alskdjfsa9ie | [no description available] |
Americaresist | [no description available] |
Americaresist-l | [no description available] |
Amirsupport | [no description available] |
Amnesty-richmond | [no description available] |
AnarchafeministSnetwork | [no description available] |
Anarchist_meeting | [no description available] |
Anarchistparenting | a discussion list for anarchist parents. |
ANewHope | The Jack Pine |
Animal_lib_bi | [no description available] | | [no description available] |
Antecrise | [no description available] |
Anticapitaliststudents | [no description available] |
AntiPattiProject | Against Patriarchy Project |
Antirafestivalathens | [no description available] |
antiwar-van | Anti-War & Anti-Racism Organizing List for Vancouver |
Anuragtrust | [no description available] |
Anvilhillaction-l | [no description available] |
AOA | Agents of Awareness |
AOANYC | New York Agents of Awareness |
AOAontario | Ontario Agents of Awareness |
AOAvan | Vancouver Agents of Awareness |
Aoz | Noticias de la Buenos Aires IndÃgena |
Apaqrosemontpetitepatrie | [no description available] |
APAR | Aliança Popular Anarquista do Recife / Popular Anarchist Alliance of Recife |
APC-Announce | apc announcement list |
APC-ctte | this is the member list |
Apoc-allies | [no description available] |
apostrophe | apostrophe ' productions : a radical art + social process affinity group based in san francisco |
Archivoabuelasrosario | [no description available] |
Arcisoresina-l | [no description available] |
Arrestationvelo | [no description available] |
ARSF-Events | [no description available] |
Artxbrutality | [no description available] |
asambleaestudiantes | [no description available] |
Assembleiacampinas_org | [no description available] |
Atlanticalegalsupport | [no description available] |
ATS-L | Autonomist/Anti-Imperialist News Service |
Autonomia-sd | [no description available] |
Autonomy | [no description available] |
Backup_offthemap | [no description available] |
Barrikadazapatista | [no description available] |
Barter514 | Exchange of goods and services for goods and services |
Bc-social-forum | Vancouver Community Social Forum announcement list |
Bcnf | [no description available] |
Bdsresearch | research for Boycott Divestment Sanctions of Apartheid israel |
Bhpbilliton | [no description available] |
Biblio | [no description available] |
bicyclebee | Bicycle Bee discussion |
Bikecult | discussion on building bicycle cults |
Bikepowerproject | [no description available] |
Bikesdelpueblo | [no description available] |
Birca | birca |
Blacklabbottomliners | [no description available] |
Blacklabcollective | [no description available] |
Blacklabvolunteers | [no description available] |
BlackLivesMatter_Durham | [no description available] |
Blackpato_newsletter | BlackPato_newsletter |
Blem-nouvelles | Liste externe de Bloquez l'empire Montréal |
Blockg20duesseldorf | [no description available] |
Blvolunteers | [no description available] |
Boletin-indymedia-laplata | [no description available] |
Boletin-indymedia-pueblos | BoletÃn de Indymedia Pueblos Originarios (Argentina) |
Boletin-indymedia-rosario | Boletn de Indymedia Rosario (Argentina) |
Books2prisonersottawa | [no description available] |
Borderland | [no description available] |
Boundtobefree | [no description available] |
BradleyManningVancouver | List for Vancouver supports of Bradley Manning |
Breakthrough-mamas | Radical multi-generational organizing led by low-income single mothers of colour |
Briefs | [no description available] |
Brouhaha | [no description available] |
Bulletin.CSALQ | [no description available] |
Burningvisuals247 | [no description available] |
Busriders-van | Organizing/discussion list for the Vancouver Busriders Union |
C5 | [no description available] |
Cactusazul | Activismo cultural en el Ecuador |
CAERN-l | Chicago Anarchist Emergency Response Network |
Cakenphile | [no description available] |
Calgaryfreeschool | [no description available] |
Careforsailor | [no description available] |
Caregiversactioncentre | [no description available] |
Carlosaraujo | [no description available] |
Carnaval-org | [no description available] |
Casa_naranja_interno | acciones |
Ccrpp | [no description available] |
Ccsk | [no description available] |
cdp-info | Cuisine du peuple - events & volunteer call-outs. |
Cedhu | [no description available] |
Cfc | [no description available] |
Cflf | [no description available] |
Cha | [no description available] |
Chaoticshark | For all your communication needs with Chaoticshark! |
CHorganizado | fighting gentrification in CIty Heights |
Cirkoakrata | [no description available] |
CKR | Lista de Coordinación de Ciencias Criminalisticas |
clandestinas | [no description available] |
Clevelandimc | Cleveland Indypendent Media Center |
coffeeshop | people's coffee shop/ free coffee shop/ no coffee shop |
Collectif_minuit | [no description available] |
Colsur-l | [no description available] |
Comite-activites | [no description available] |
Comite-agitprop | [no description available] |
Comite-oui | [no description available] |
Comite-suivi | [no description available] |
Comunicadores | Discussao interna do Coletivo de Comunicadores Populares de Campinas-SP |
Contraiirsa | Lista de discussión sobre el proyecto IIRSA en latinoamérica |
Counter_recruitment | [no description available] |
crash_list | crazy radicals against social holocaust |
criticalmassmtl-l | listserve for organizing and announcing critical mass bike rides and related events in montreal |
CulturalMedicineCabinet | Cultural Medicine Cabinet singers. |
CulturalMedicineCabinet-announce | Major announcements from the Cultural Medicine Cabinet |
Cursolivreanarquismo | [no description available] |
Cvce | Culura Viva Comuitaria Ecuador |
Dabikecollectiveottawa | BikeCollective |
Dciww | [no description available] |
Deathchurch-jamspace | [no description available] |
Decolonize | Decolonize LISTSERV |
Demands-traduction | [no description available] |
Democraticanarchism | [no description available] |
Derrickjensen_discussion | [no description available] |
Dffffff | [no description available] |
Diapason | DisSonanze |
Digiselfdefcb | [no description available] |
DIYDharma | Do It Yourself Dharma (Buddhist meditation for troublemakers) |
Dnfd_announce | [no description available] |
Eatsomenews | [no description available] |
Ecolution | A networking tool for people wishing to address the challenges facing our ecological evolution. |
Ecp | [no description available] |
education.risingtide | S-M-R-T |
Esbozocolectivo | [no description available] |
esbozoredlibertarialatinoamericana | [no description available] |
Espress | [no description available] |
EstudiantesRevolucionarios | [no description available] |
Estudiantil-derecho-sociologia-upc | [no description available] |
Eugenefnb | [no description available] |
Exileinfoshop | [no description available] |
Fartface666 | [no description available] |
FC | the feminist conspiracy |
Fdfd | [no description available] |
Fedupqueers | [no description available] |
feedthefrontlines | [no description available] |
Fightcpg | [no description available] |
flyingfolk-l | announcement list for friends of the flying folk army |
Fnb-evanston | [no description available] |
Foodnotbombs_halifax | Food Not Bombs Halifax |
Frapru | Liste de discussion interne des membres du FRAPRU. |
Freddysvc | [no description available] |
Frederictonfoodnotbombs | [no description available] |
Freedomschool-l | This list is for people working on organizing a Freedom School in Toronto. |
Freedonia-news | News from Freedonia |
FreeGeek-Van | Please see |
Frentegremial4deabril | Boletín del Frente Gremial 4 de Abril |
Frentepatrioticomanuelrodriguez | [no description available] |
Frigomembers | Information for Members of Le Frigo Vert |
frontline-news | direct action news from the ELF, ALF and others |
Fusampiaac | [no description available] |
Gestegauche | [no description available] |
Gjd-l | [no description available] |
Gradicals | [no description available] |
Grandjurymedia | [no description available] |
Greve-sociale-annonces | [no description available] |
Greve-sociale-bloquages-annonces | [no description available] |
Greve-ul | Greve UL |
Gsaconcordia | GSA Council Communications List |
guelphfreeschool | guelph free school listserve |
guerrero-l | [no description available] |
Gulfcoastalliance | [no description available] |
Haitiresistonline | [no description available] |
Haitisolidaritybc | [no description available] |
HamiltonFreeSkool | News and events for Hamilton's FreeSkool |
HCAP | Hamilton Coalition Against Poverty |
Highcountryearthfirst_announce | [no description available] |
Highcountryearthfirst_discussion | [no description available] |
Housing | [no description available] |
Housing_occupancy | [no description available] |
HumanistHall | HumaneCalendars |
Humanpowered | [no description available] |
Iap | [no description available] |
Ibooks | [no description available] |
Idea-cc | [no description available] |
Idea-ntic | [no description available] |
Ideology-defence | [no description available] |
Idex.inalco | [no description available] |
Iea-publica | [no description available] |
Ilgaasia | [no description available] |
Incarcerationcoalition | WI prisons umbrella group |
Indgenoussolidaritynetwork | [no description available] |
India | India Activists Collective |
Indigenousaction-l | [no description available] |
Indigenouspeaceed | [no description available] |
Indigsol | Indigenous Solidarity Ottawa |
Info | [no description available] |
Infoshopnetwork | InfoShop Network List |
institutoanarquista | pensamiento critico... accion radical |
Intergalactica | Comisión Intergaláctica de Uruguay |
Ipsm-collective | IPSM Collective |
IPSM-l | Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement - Montreal |
ismmontreal-l | [no description available] |
Iswg3906 | [no description available] |
Iswg3906.organizers | [no description available] |
Iwwsandiego | [no description available] |
IWWTBay | Organizing list for Lakehead Wobs. |
Iyf-ct | [no description available] |
Januaryfirst | Trade agreements suck! Let's organize for a better, capitalist-free world :- |
Jardins-l | [no description available] |
Jmp_youthaction | For discussion about goals, actions, and visions of the youth advisory |
JoeBroadhurst | INTL News - Joe Broadhurst's Email List |
Juicioagoni-l | [no description available] |
Junkmale-internal | JunkMale internal communication |
Justice-Sante | [no description available] |
JusticePourAnas-c | [no description available] |
JusticePourAnas-l | [no description available] |
Kasanarkistas | [no description available] |
Know-nuclear-waste | [no description available] |
Kulturschlachtoea | [no description available] |
Laflecha-boletin | [no description available] |
Lakotastudentalliance | [no description available] |
LaMala | La Mala Educación |
LAN | [no description available] |
Lanarkcountyneighbours | LC Neighbours for Truth & Reconciliation |
Laotra2edomex | [no description available] |
Lasurda | A list for spanish speaking activists in Vancouver |
Le-local | [no description available] |
Leedsef | [no description available] |
Leftcoast-Events | [no description available] |
Lesmardisdelanarchie | [no description available] |
Lfd | LFD organizing list |
Listarealmenteinterna | [no description available] |
Livable.housing | Vancouver Co-operative Housing |
Lopopopopo | [no description available] |
Lsf | [no description available] |
Lsu-bike-collective | Langara Bike Collective |
luchaspopulares | [no description available] |
Mailman | [no description available] |
marcha-sp | [no description available] |
Mariategui | Lista de distribución de Mariátegui. La revista de las ideas. |
Marks21 | [no description available] |
Masc | [no description available] |
Mayworks-org | Mayworks festival organizers list |
Mayworksmontreal | [no description available] |
Mdp-buenosaires | Noticias de Punta Querandà (Tigre, Buenos Aires) |
Mediacoop-all-news | [no description available] |
meDIAisLAND | Power to the Public |
Mela-ac | [no description available] |
Mela-org | [no description available] |
Memorialmarch | [no description available] |
Metropolitantowers | [no description available] |
Micro-am-1500 | [no description available] |
migrantesjodidas-l | [no description available] |
Migrantjusticedocumentary | [no description available] |
Militantresearch_aotearoa | [no description available] |
Minnezapa | [no description available] |
Mmm-boletim | [no description available] |
Mob-afesh | [no description available] |
Mob-afesh-annonces | [no description available] |
mobglob-discuss | MobGlob discussion list |
Mtlmediacoop | MTL Media Coop discussion list/liste de discussion coop média MTL |
Mujeresenigualdad | [no description available] |
Mumialivreja | [no description available] |
Name | [no description available] |
Nativeprisonerstestimonies | [no description available] |
Nava | [no description available] |
Nc-volunteer | [no description available] |
Nefac-exile | Backup NEFAC list |
Negajoule | [no description available] |
New-nc-volunteer | [no description available] |
Newnoise | [no description available] |
news | newswire |
NICnet | private list for NICnet (MoCIT) sysops |
Nodapl-wplc | [no description available] |
Noii-l | No One Is Illegal - Vancouver announce list |
Noii-mailing | No One is Illegal-Vancouver internal organizing list. |
Noii_brampton | [no description available] |
Noiinational | [no description available] |
Noiiwinnipeg | No One Is Illegal - Winnipeg |
Nomads | Fellow Rastas |
Nomoretears | [no description available] |
nooneisillegal-l | No One Is Illegal/Personne n'est illegal MONTREAL |
northfacingsouth | [no description available] |
Nouvellesdestef | Nouvelles de Stef |
Nsnlist | [no description available] |
Ntac | [no description available] |
Nuit-de-creation | [no description available] |
Nym | [no description available] |
ObservatorioPetroleroSur | Observatorio Petrolero Sur |
Occupons_rimouski | Information a propos du mouvement occupons rimouski | | Information and events relating to Occupy Ottawa |
Occupy_antisuppression | [no description available] |
Occupybirminghamcomms | [no description available] |
Occupyregina | [no description available] |
Okanagan-Shuswap-Confederacy | Okanagan-Shuswap-Confederacy |
omcmontreal-l | OMC Montreal |
Omd | [no description available] |
Ong_rslivre | [no description available] |
Onthebarricades | global resistance roundup |
Openthebooks | [no description available] |
Orchis | [no description available] |
Order_of_the_phoenix | [no description available] |
Org4j-announce | Organizing For Justice announce list |
Organisation | [no description available] |
Orn-communications | [no description available] |
ORN-legal | Legal working group for the Olympic Resistance Network |
Orn-outreach | [no description available] |
Ornmedia | Media distribution list for the Olympic Resistance Network |
Ottawaearthfirst-l | [no description available] |
Padnet | Post and Discuss Network (News and Discussion) |
Paine | [no description available] |
Palestineinschools | Palestine in Schools Project |
Palestineyvr | [no description available] |
Papanegratv | [no description available] |
Passos_salazar | [no description available] |
Pcmn | [no description available] |
Pdx-audio | [no description available] |
Peoples_photocopier | People's Photocopier |
Peoplescommission | [no description available] |
Peoplescommission-1 | [no description available] |
Peoplespotato | [no description available] |
Pfa | [no description available] |
Planmort | [no description available] |
Plenariocoprograf | [no description available] |
Portlandabc | [no description available] |
Posterproject | [no description available] |
Prensaceppas | [no description available] |
Prf_brezmeja | [no description available] |
Project-news | ---JOEY-ONLY=OUTLAW-BAND--- |
Project-x | RTL, project-x: it's ALL THE SAME |
Promtastic | People's Prom organizing collective |
ProtestBarrick | [no description available] |
Psychrightsbc | [no description available] |
Psychrightsbc-announce | [no description available] |
QPHC | Queer People's Health Collective |
Radiocumpa | [no description available] |
RAMA | [no description available] |
Raum | [no description available] |
Rcdefensecouncil | [no description available] |
Realhiphopforever | [no description available] |
Reclamecolombia | Red Colombiana frente la Gran minerÃa Transnacional |
Recomposingunc | [no description available] |
Redeluta | [no description available] |
Redsepa-cc | [no description available] |
Reellife | An activist take on art that relates to life on our planet |
Regio | [no description available] |
Rei | [no description available] |
Reo | [no description available] |
Reperran | [no description available] |
Reportssarajevo | [no description available] |
reseau-annonces | Le Réseau Anti-Capitaliste de Montréal |
Reseau_vigilance | Réseau de Vigilance contre la r#ing#n#rie de létat - Québec |
Resist-intl | [no description available] |
Resist-translations | For those interested in providing translations |
Resist-web-developers | For those interested in providing others with help developing web pages. |
Resistance | [no description available] |
Rest | [no description available] |
RevolutionInMyPants | There's a (r)evolution in my pants, and everybody's coming! |
Rie-nucleo | [no description available] |
Sanctuarycity_hamilton | For the Sanctuary City Organizers |
SANSAD | South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy |
Saskatoonanarchistbookfair | [no description available] |
Schola | [no description available] |
Schola-diffusion | [no description available] |
Schola-organisation | [no description available] |
Schola-scolaire | [no description available] |
Scwdn-list | [no description available] |
Sdgmermtl | [no description available] |
security-news | a security bulletin for autonomous resistance movements |
Seedsofchange | Seeds of Change Community Centre List |
sethreports | Independent Reporting |
Sfchalkboard | Use instead! |
Sfpq218 | [no description available] |
ShadowGroup-l | [no description available] |
Shakeup | [no description available] |
Sinpermiso.trabajando | [no description available] |
SJC-UBC | Announcement list for UBC's Social Justice Centre. |
Skwelkwekwelt | [no description available] |
Skwelkwekwelt-news | Skwelkwekwelt Resistance |
Slihc | save low income housing coalition announce list |
Slihc-org | save low income housing organizing list |
Solidarite_APPO | Comité (de Québec) en solidarité avec l'Assemblée populaire des peuples de Oaxaca (Mexique) |
Solidarity | [no description available] |
Solidarotyassembly | [no description available] |
Soutienkader | Statut pour Abdelkader Belaouni / Status for Abdelkader Belaouni |
Spartacus-supporters | For folks interested about what's happening at Spartacus Books |
Spocmail | Self-Propelled Outdoor Club |
Srglw-l | Agitate and Litigate! |
Srlcwelcomingcommittee | [no description available] |
Stanfordstandsup | Stanford Stands Up! |
Staydangerous | [no description available] |
StFXSolidarity | [no description available] |
STG-secwepemeculecw | information from the Secwepemeculecw Traditional Government |
Stirling-palestinedirectaction | Palestinian solidarity group |
Stopthesweeps | [no description available] |
Stopwar-delegates | StopWar Supporters |
Stopwar-internal | internal organizing list |
Stopwar-l | StopWar |
Studentstrike | Concordia's goin' on strike! |
Submedia-l | [no description available] |
Subort | [no description available] |
Subvertistas | Subvertical Action Netwerk |
Sudburywomensactionnetwork | [no description available] |
Sudestada | [no description available] |
Sudg20solid | For G20 solidarity events in sudbury |
Supportformandh | [no description available] |
Survivingcanada | [no description available] |
Swatmail | Stop Wickham Animal Testing |
TDP | Ticket Defence Program |
team-satan | Team Satan |
Test-list-443 | [no description available] |
Theblacklab | [no description available] |
Thelonious | Organic Jazz Hip Hop from the UK |
Thinkpeace | A Collaborative Journal of Free Thinking... |
Ticst | [no description available] |
tintaverde | Red Nacional de Acción Ecologista |
Titaniumphoenix | [no description available] |
Tlcalca-nunca | ¡Campaign vs. FTAA/bFTA's! | | 2010 Toronto Community Mobilization for G8/20 |
Torch | teens organizing for reproductive choice |
Total-liberation | [no description available] |
Tradejustice | Discussion, news and announce list for trade justice activists. |
Transpride | [no description available] |
Trinityspadina.stopthecuts | [no description available] |
Tsci-events | [no description available] |
tvuna | raw wisdom now |
UAPV | United Against Police Violence e-mail list |
uberculture | reclaim your culture |
Ukarg | [no description available] |
Unb-stu-justice-l | Unb Stu Social Justice Society |
Union77 | [no description available] |
UniTierraCalifas | a space for the convivial research and insurgent learning of UT Califas |
Updates | [no description available] |
Usurpa | Info Usurpa weekly squat bulletin, Barcelona |
utv | volcano crew |
van-announce | announcements of upcoming events in vancouver and the surrounding area. news items should be sent to or posted to the web at |
Van-PEG | Vancouver's Participatory Economics Collective |
Van-PEG-Org | Org. list for Van Parecon Collective |
Vanact.external | [no description available] |
Vanact.internal | [no description available] |
Vanarchy | [no description available] |
VancouverADL | VEGAN POWER |
Vancouverpeacecouncil | Vancouver chapter of the World Peace Council |
Vanfoodnotbombs | [no description available] |
Verapax-l | [no description available] |
Verteiler | [no description available] |
vicfnb | [no description available] |
VIVA | [no description available] |
Vlac | [no description available] |
Wamvan | Women, Action & The Media (WAM!) Vancouver |
Warrior | [no description available] |
wd-sp | lista fechada |
Wearethe99percent | [no description available] |
Weitaa | [no description available] |
Wildearth-l | Wild Earth 2009 |
Woc-fms-racialisees-p15 | [no description available] |
Worklessparty | Announce List for BC's Work Less / Work Ethics provincial party discussion group |
Worldnakedride | [no description available] |
wto-montreal-announce | wto-montreal-announce |
Xanadu | [no description available] |
Xanthempadi | [no description available] |
version 2.1.29 |